Learn to Swim
TRAC swim schools are leaders in aquatic education and provide a nurturing, safe and fun environment for children from 6 months though to adults. Our teachers are fully qualified and most of all - they make swimming fun.
We pride ourselves on delivering swimming lessons that give children the confidence to learn, grow and discover their love for the water.
Assessment Times and dates Prices Private lessons Holiday intensive FAQs

Learn to Swim classes
Benefits of learning to swim
The ability to safely enjoy water continues to benefit us at all stages of our lives and positive aquatic experiences begin from birth.
Bath time is the ideal introduction to the aquatic environment, where parents can encourage children to feel comfortable with water by playing and making bath time and other water-based activities fun.
TRAC recommends babies are introduced to water familiarisation lessons from 6 months old.
Qualified swim teachers

All teachers are qualified with Austswim, Royal Lifesaving Society Australia and Australian Swimming Coaches and Teachers Association (ASCTA). These are the leading organisations within Australia for the teaching of swimming and water safety.
If you are interested in becoming a Learn to Swim teacher, please contact us at trac@tweed.nsw.gov.au.
Adult Learn to Swim classes
As an adult, you may decide to learn to swim for many different reasons and the process may be quick or slow, just as it is for children.
There are a number of reasons that adults make the decision to learn to swim:
- improving fitness and health (swimming is a low impact activity)
- personal satisfaction
- overcoming a past trauma
- opportunity to learn something new
- personal safety in aquatic environments
- enjoying water with your grandchildren.
Adult Learn to Swim classes work on the basic principles of teaching freestyle, as this tends to be the stroke most adults want to learn. Other strokes can be explored and developed if the group is willing and capable of moving forward.
Initially swimmers will be taught to submerge and blow bubbles, they will learn about their body’s buoyancy in the water both on the front and back and about recovering from those positions. Swimmers will then move onto gaining a streamlined body position, the kick and arm stroke. Breathing and timing issues will be refined last.
Classes are held in the indoor 15 m pool, which is purpose-built for learning to swim. Goggles are recommended for all swimmers, all other equipment is provided.
We will provide you with a program that allows you to:
- feel safe with the instructor
- remain in control while learning
- feel supported when help is required
- feel confident in how your body works in the water.
Prior to enrolling, each child will need to complete a free assessment to ensure they are placed into the appropriate level for their ability. Fill out our online enquiry form below and one of our team will be in touch to arrange a time.
Online enquiry form
Read our Privacy statement to understand how we collect and manage your personal information.
Class times and dates
All program schedules will return to normal from Wednesday 12 March.
Lessons are offered 6 days per week (Monday to Saturday) across our 3 Aquatic Centres, with morning and afternoon times available.
Contact TRAC for the latest class times. Availability is dependent on bookings.
2025 term dates
Our swim schools operate on NSW school terms.
- Term 1: Monday 10 February – Saturday 12 April (9 weeks)
- Term 2: Monday 28 April – Saturday 5 July (10 weeks)
- Term 3: Monday 21 July - Saturday 27 September (10 weeks)
- Term 4: Monday 13 October - Saturday 13 December (9 weeks)
Class prices
$165 per term
($16.50 per class)
FREE Parent and Baby Class with every term booking for new enrolments.
- All prices include pool entry.
- Booking for the whole term is preferred however, swimmers can join the program at any time.
- Payment for lessons must be made by the end of week 1 after swimmers commence.
- Lessons are not conducted on public holidays and payment is excluded from these days.
- Payment policy is in accordance with the terms and conditions of TRAC.
Private lessons
Private lessons are available on request with one or 2 students (same family), depending on swimming ability and instructor availability.
- 30 minute private lesson: $63
- 15 minute private lesson: $33
Call the centre for more information or talk to one of our friendly staff.
School holiday intensive program
Fast track your child’s swim skills and book them into one of our week-long school holiday programs! Benefits include:
- greater continuity in the learning process
- frequent reinforcement helps children retain key swimming concepts
- it’s a fun activity for the holidays and children often have more energy without school
- extra confidence and fitness which flows into their regular lessons.
Classes will be held 8–11 am from 13 to 17 January 2025 at Murwillumbah, Tweed Heads South and Kingscliff.
Suitable for 3 to 8 year olds.
Cost: $77.50
To book, contact TRAC.
Frequently asked questions
When should I start teaching my baby to swim?
Teaching your child to swim will help keep them safe and can be lots of fun. Check out Babies and swimming | Pregnancy Birth and Baby.
Young babies have a natural affinity with water, in fact they often relax more in the water than out of the water. Begin with warm, quiet, soothing bath time. Make the bath as deep and warm as is comfortable for you and baby. Talk to your baby, sing to them, maintain close eye and skin contact, caress and massage them, sway them through the water supporting while on their back, and also on their tummy with chest and chin resting gently in your hands.
Babies who swim from an early age are relaxed and confident in the water and avoid the emotional stress that may come when starting later. From as early as 6 months babies can safely and happily enjoy shared water experiences with their parents in a quality baby swim program.
Your baby should be immunised and in good health before commencing. If your baby was premature check with your doctor first.
What can my baby learn in a structured lesson?
When prepared gently and consistently, very young babies quickly learn the cues for going underwater. They will submerge comfortably and happily, enjoying the magic of short underwater expeditions.
Initially an experienced teacher will guide you on when your baby is ready to go underwater. You will learn to read your baby's posture and facial expressions, don't be surprised if your baby is ready before you! As they get older, they will get more and more comfortable in the water.
Some other important skills your baby will learn include:
- confident enjoyment in and under the water
- independent and unaided movement through the water
- jumping in, turning underwater and swimming back to the wall for safety
- reaching up to a high wall and climbing out
- holding a pool wall and negotiating along it to steps or shallow water
- relaxation in the back floating position
- popping up to breathe in order to see the wall and swim longer distances
- realistic awareness of swimming ability without floatation aids
- important safety rules, such as never entering the water without an adult watching.
Are there other benefits from my baby swimming?
A quality, play based, aquatic education program can offer lots of stimulation (physically, socially and intellectually) to enhance the development of your child.
Swimming is also a wonderful life skill.
Perhaps most importantly, baby swimming is an education for both you and your child. You will learn how to continue your child's aquatic education outside of lessons, and to make the most of your time in the water together. The bonding and trust that will develop between you and your child as you share water experiences and learn together will be something to treasure for the rest of your lives.
We often refer to a young baby as "taking it all in" - and it is obvious to many parents (as well as child development experts) that this is precisely what the baby does from the moment it is born.
The colour, movement and smiling faces (in the pool) are very strong stimulators to develop baby's vision, and the music, rhythm, laughter, splashing and variations in voice tone further stimulate baby's brain. From birth, children are carefully watching adult faces to imitate, and the more often they're exposed to happy, smiling, positive social interactions, the more positively they will develop in their own social and interpersonal skills.
The water environment provides invaluable sensory information for the development of good movement and coordination skills. By exposing the young child to a range of stimulating, safe, and age appropriate sensory experiences, we aim to enhance and extend the development of each child.
Are all swim programs safe for my baby/toddler?
To ensure a safe environment for your baby, pools must be warm (between 30 and 34 degrees Celsius) and very clean. Programs must be designed and delivered by teachers who understand the development of young children and the importance of teaching skills in a positive and consistent way.
If a swimming program places your baby under stress (physically or emotionally), negative associations with water or swim lessons may develop.
Programs at at TRAC are gentle, playful, and in tune with your baby’s needs to ensure progress is achieved safely and happily.
Can learning to swim save my child's life?
There are many cases where very young children have fallen into pools and swum back to safety. However, children are unpredictable and there is no guarantee they will, therefore constant supervision is vital.
Babies who have been in lessons with their parent and without the use of floatation aids are less likely to enter a pool without an adult. They will have a more realistic awareness of their own swimming ability and will have practised a variety of skills to get back to safety if they fall in.
Teachers and parents work closely together to teach skills in a happy and playful atmosphere so that if your child finds themselves accidentally submerged they will be relaxed and buoyant. They will then have a better chance of remembering and using the skills they have practised during lessons. Turning back to the wall and swimming to safety is an achievable survival skill which requires calm clear thinking.
How these recovery skills are taught is very important. Teach your child appropriate recovery (survival) skills, and then do everything in your power to ensure they don't need to use them.
What training should baby swim teachers have?
This may be the first educational program for you and your baby. You need a teacher who is highly trained, experienced and mature and with the ability to teach both you and your baby.
Anyone teaching aquatics to children younger than 5 years should hold the Austswim, Royal Lifesaving Society of Australia, ASCTA Infant and Preschool certification. All swimming teachers at TRAC are accredited with these qualifications and keep up-to-date with the latest developments in infant swimming from around the world.
What do classes involve?
Your baby will be placed in a class with other babies around the same age. The class will be a maximum of 8 so that you receive all the attention and individual tuition you need. Classes run for 30 minutes.
Play equipment including floating mats, toys and mirrors will be used to motivate your baby to extend their skills. Specifically designed games and activities will develop confidence, teach important skills, and have your baby asking for more!
Young children are more comfortable when they know what to expect and they learn through playful repetition. As your baby progresses, the activities will be modified to become more challenging. The atmosphere is relaxed and positive for both you and your baby. Your teacher will guide you as you learn and practice new skills together.
How long will it take?
Young children learn quickly, however they are just as quick to forget! They need regular revision and practice (at least once a week) to retain skills and progress.
Of course, babies are unique and learn at their own individual pace. They all plateau (or regress) occasionally. Continue with lessons and stay positive as your baby fully absorbs their new skills.
As your child grows, swimming skills will also develop and extend. There is no end-point to the process. You are embarking on a journey that begins with water confidence and will lead to a respect for water safety and a love of swimming that will remain for life.
What else can I do to help?
Play with your child in a warm pool or bath. Make it fun! If you relax then they will relax. Encourage your child to play under a sprinkler and to have a shower.
Get ready for going underwater by pouring a small amount of water over your child's head while saying our cue, “Name, ready, go”. Use your hand washer or a play watering can keeping your actions slow, confident and gentle. A playful approach works best. Be positive and relaxed.
Like any new experience, the first days can be daunting. If your child is upset, reassure with a cuddle, a happy face and lots of eye contact. If they need some space feel free to take some toys to a quiet corner. Remember to re-join the group as soon as your child is happy again.
Use positive language and maintain a watchful but relaxed attitude near water. Avoid terms like "dangerous" or "drown". Young children are very in tune with the facial expressions, body language and choice of words used by their parents. If you are anxious near water consider some classes for yourself to improve your confidence and skills.
Enrol in a first aid or resuscitation course. Royal Life Saving Society of Australia (RLSSA) resuscitation courses for the parents of young children.
What makes TRAC different?
- Small class sizes with a maximum of 8 in the parents and bubs.
- Heated, clean water at 32 degrees Celsius.
- Baby-change facilities and plenty of room for prams.
- Outstanding and highly qualified teachers, who are experienced and mature. All teachers are qualified.
- A purpose built pool with a special teaching ledge where your baby can play and explore independently.
- An ideal learning environment for babies and children.
- We provide variety and innovation so that parents and children are always challenged and never bored as they learn in an aquatic environment.
- We have a commitment to quality lessons, ongoing parent education and ensuring that both you and your child are satisfied with our program.